THEORY: The Modern Woman Needs A Modern Caveman.
CHALLENGE: Do not let your education and career be an excuse
for a man not to be a gentleman.
Let’s compare where men were and where we expect them to be
now, shall we?
Where men were: CAVEMAN
“Me kill animal!”
“Me hit you over the head with stick”
“Me drag you by your weave”
“Me rule you”
Where we expect them to be: MODERN CAVEMAN
“Be MANLY (pound on your chest if you want), but
always be respectful”
“Pull my hair in bed, but give me kisses on the
forehead afterwards”
“Pay for dinner and I’ll put in the tip”
“Open my door and I’ll unlock yours”
“Be a gentlemen but don’t expect ‘something’ at
the end of the day”
“Be a respectable Modern Caveman and I’ll be a
domesticated business woman”
In today’s world, we need a Modern Caveman, not one that
thinks that by “Equal Rights” we meant we wanted men to stop being gentlemen
and make us pay on dates.
“I’m going to college”
“I’m working full-time”
“I’m providing for myself”
“I’m buying my own house”
“I’m domesticated because I want to be, not
because I have to be”
“…and YES, I still expect you to pick me up,
open the door, never walk ahead of me, pay for dinner and respect my morals.”
LADIES – Are you moving up in the world? Educated. Career
booming. Looking Fab.
You have every right not be! You also have every right to be
the best at work, while getting treated like the best by your boo.
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