Saturday, February 4, 2012

Challenge #2: To Do Nothing!

Theory: "They Always Return To The Crime Scene"

IT NEVER FAILS! Ladies just have self control, sit back, relax & DO NOT CROSS THE LINE!

HOW TO: If the "relationship" is over (whether you were just dating or if it was official):
  • put the phone down;
  • don't ask mutual friends how he's doing;
  • don't say hi to his mom (or any other family members);
  • step away from his Facebook/Twitter account;
  • do not think about trying to gchat!

  • "But he is too prideful" ---He will return the the crime scene.
  • "But we ended on bad terms" ---He will return to the crime scene.
  • "But I was the one that ended things" ---He will return to the crime scene.
  • "But it's been months now and he still hasn't returned" ---He will return to the crime scene.
I don't care what the situation or what type of dude you "think" he is, believe in the theory!

If you are part of the .009% and he doesn't return, then he isn't concerned with you so stop being concerned with him.


  1. I tried this and it so worked! I took the risk & took it a step further, i made him reach out to me twice before giving him the time of day. The third time, i accept it to give it a try, it's now been 2yrs into the relationship. He told me (on his own I didn't ask) that what made him come back was that I am the first girl not to go after him, he liked the challenge.

    Don't think all this happened right away, this happened through out an entire year. Oh and feel free to date while he makes his way back to the crime scene, who knows u might find someone better, but that's just my 2cents.

    1. This sounds like my experience! It's amazing how guys react when they are the one's feeling like, "HEY! Maybe she isn't that into me?!"

      My bf said the same thing without me asking..."Man, you freakin made me work! But if it would've been easy I wouldn't have been as into you..i'll admit, I LIKED THE CHALLENGE"


  2. Replies
    1. You've tested my challenge and it was proven right, I see! :)

  3. Let's face it.. If he comes back because YOU pursued him, it's just not as SWEET!

  4. I'm right now in this situation. Not communicating with him at all. And I must admit that its been very difficult becuase he and I were together everyday for almost 5 months. So you can imagine that not talking at all is heart breaking. I guess all that I can do is move on. I don't know if he will come back but at least i have not reached out to him. I do miss him very much.
